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Up: The Language of Math
Previous: Trigonometry
``I'm thinking of a number, and its name is `x' ...'' So if
a x2 + b x + c = 0,
(4.14) |
what is x? Well, we can only say, ``It depends.''
Namely, it depends on the values of a, b and c,
whatever they are. Let's suppose the dimensions
of all these ``parameters'' are mutually consistent4.7
so that the equation makes sense.
Then ``it can be shown'' (a classic phrase if there ever was one!)
that the ``answer'' is generally4.8
(4.15) |
This formula (and the preceding equation that defines
what we mean by a, b and c) is known as the
Quadratic Theorem, so called because it offers
``the answer'' to any quadratic equation
(i.e. one containing powers of x up to and including x2).
The power of such a general solution is prodigious.
(Work out a few examples!)
It also introduces an interesting new way of looking at
the relationship between x and the parameters
a, b and c that determine its value(s).
Having x all by itself on one side of the equation
and no x's anywhere on the other side is what we call
a ``solution'' in Algebra. Let's make a simpler version
of this sort of equation:
``I'm thinking of a number, and its name is `y' ...''
So if y = x2, what is y? The answer is again,
``It depends!'' (In this case, upon the value of x.)
And that leads us into a new subject....
Next: Calculus
Up: The Language of Math
Previous: Trigonometry
Jess H. Brewer