Physics 200 Public Home Page

Welcome to ``Relativity & Quanta"!

- from Jess H. Brewer, instructor

As of 1996, this course is available on the World Wide Web (WWW or W3 or W3 or just the Web, as it is fondly known by its users) thanks to the development of the Web Course Tools (WebCT ) utilities by some brilliant computer scientists at UBC.

To access the PHYS200 Web pages on the WebCT site you must be registered in the course; however, I will be providing links to some of the course's HyperText Handouts and other information through this public site, which you are welcome to peruse freely. (Unlike WebCT, this site does not require a Netscape 2.0 or better Web browser!)

Fall 1996 Course Description for Physics 200

Fall 1996 Tentative Outline for Physics 200

HyperText Handouts: