Physics 122 Midterm - 16 Feb. 1996
Note: Some constants you may need are: $k = 8.99 \times 10^9$ N m2/C,
$\mu_\circ = 4\pi \times 10^{-7}$ H/m,    $q/m = 1.7588 \times 10^{11}$ C/kg, for electrons.
What is the main element which will be left in our sun after it has burned up most of its hydrogen?
You have a uniform electric field (E = 150,000 V/m) in a box of volume 2.0 m3. What is the total electric field energy, in Joules, contained in the field of the box?
In the same box (volume 2.0 m3) you place, instead, a uniform magnetic field (B = 1.0 T). What is the total magnetic field energy, in Joules, contained in the field of the box?

You have a circular coil (radius 0.5 m and containing 1,500 turns) which rotates (at an angular speed of 30 radians/sec) about an axis through the plane of the coil and through its centre.
What is the maximum EMF induced in the coil if its axis is perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.2 T?
What is the average induced EMF?

You have two long, concentric, coaxial, cylindrical conducting shells, one of radius R = 0.2 m and the other of radius 2R. You put a metal conducting cap at the far end, connecting the two cylinders and connect them to a 12 V battery.
You find that a current of 2.5 A flows out from the battery uniformly on the outer cylinder and into the battery uniformly on the inner cylinder. What is the magnetic field strength at r = 1.5 R?

In Vancouver you have an electron gun which has accelerated electrons, from rest, through a voltage of 12 V. You aim the electrons horizontally north in the earth's magnetic field ( $0.2 \times 10^{-4}$ T) which points northward and down, at an angle of $30^\circ$ to the horizontal. What is the radius of the circle made by the electrons in their helical path?

Jess H. Brewer