8 | LakeShore 330 autotuning temperature controllers. |
4 | LakeShore 331 autotuning temperature controllers. |
2 | Oxford Instruments dilution refrigerator temperature controllers. |
3 | AVS resistance bridges. |
6 | LakeShore 218 temperature monitors. |
2 | LakeShore 234 temperature monitors. |
2 | Omega iSeries temperature controllers/monitors. |
1 | Omega temperature monitor. |
4 | Omega flow meter/regulators. |
2 | Motorized cryostat positioning platforms (others hand-adjusted). |
1 | High precision Metrolab NMR teslameter. |
2 | Group3 hall probe digital teslameters. |
1 | Lakeshore 450 digital gaussmeter (to 3 T). |
1 | F. W. Bell hand-held gaussmeter. |
3 | Zero field flux-gate magnetometers (to 2 G) with dedicated feedback-controlled magnet power supplies. |
1 | Applied Physics Systems zero field flux-gate magnetometer (to 6 G). |
2 | Oxford Instruments IPS-120 superconducting magnet power supplies. |
1 | Cryogenic Consultants superconducting magnet power supply. |
1 | American Magnetics superconducting magnet power supply. |
2 | Hewlett Packard power supplies. |
9 | Sorensen or Xantrex power supplies, (above 30 A) |
5 | Kepco bipolar power supplies. |
6 | Small single phase magnet power supplies (PK Precision, Lambda, Xantrex), plus many other small DC power supplies. |
1 | EIN 1040L power amplifier. |
1 | Amplifier Research model 500A100A RF power amplifier. |
2 | Programmable pulse generator modules. |
5 | Programable pulse shape generators (2 TRIUMF CMMS design, 1 Tektronix, 2 BNC). |
6 | Integral µSR NIM logic modules. |
6 | Gate generator logic modules (TRIUMF CMMS). |
6 | Berkeley Nucleonics model B980 TDC. |
3 | Tektronix TDS5104B oscilliscopes. |
1 | Agilent DS06104A oscilliscope. |
3 | Tektronix TDS3034, 3054B oscilliscopes. |
3 | CAEN SY2527 high voltage power supply systems (for detectors). |
2 | Precision digital voltmeters (with remote communication) Hewlett Packard 34420A and Solartron 7061. |
7 | He-pumping stations. |
4 | Mobile vacuum-pumping stations, plus several other vacuum pumps. |
19 | Office computers (desktop, CAD, simulation, development, data analysis). |
Temperature sensors; Lead, brass and tungsten beam collimators; Small magnets (`flip coils'); and much more.