SPECTRUM 1, , , , , ,,,, ! alpha,beta,rpha,rasy,l/t0, 5xindirect sys$data:[musr.dat_cecunisn]012182.TRI SP 2 H 1,2 B 70, 240, 70, 240 T 0. ,2., 10 SPECTRUM 1, , , , , ,,,, ! alpha,beta,rpha,rasy,l/t0, 5xindirect sys$data:[musr.dat_cecunisn]012182.TRI SP 2 H 1,2 B 70, 240, 70, 240 T 1.9 ,8.,50.In the first SPECTRUM the data are fitted from 0 µs to 2 µs and four bins are combined. In the second SPECTRUM the data are fitted from 1.9 µs to 8 µs and 20 bins are combined. Notice the overlap of the two time intervals. If you want to plot the first SPECTRUM then say
RESULTS> pl PLOT_FIT>asy PLOT_FIT>s 1if you want to plot the second one then say
RESULTS> pl PLOT_FIT>asy PLOT_FIT>s 2and if you want to get a plot for the whole time range than you have to plot the first SPECTRUM and keep it (DOPLOT>keep) and the plot the next spectrum.