GUESS>de(scribe) Fit of 1 Spectra to the form F(t) = SIGNAL or F(t) = N(B + EXP(-t/TMU) (1 + SIGNAL)), where "SIGNAL" is a sum of up to 32 terms including Zero field (Exponential, Gaussian, or Tabulated function), Static Gaussian or Lorentzian Longitudinal Field, or Transverse-field with Exponential or Abragam relaxation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>ma(pping) 0p5.i 19:38:25 17:46:08 12:01:01 4-DEC-95 1 Spectra containing 2 "Signals": Mapping is NML BKG RPH RAS L/T0...[indir addr]... = Spectrum [signal] parameters : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHA ASY FRQ RLX HOP ...[ONMI TBL]... = Signal parameters: 0 0 0 -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 *** I N I T I A L G U E S S *** -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>sp(ectrum) SPECTRUM 1: Chisq = 0.0 for 123 bins ( 1 to 123) out of 123 available 80.0000-ns bins from T1 = 0.2000 to T2 = 9.9600 microsec. "t < 0 background" in raw bins 990 through 995 ( 1) RN 1: Norm Ratio (ASY Spect) 1 = 0.718568 + or - 0.110E-02 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>si(gnal) ( 5) RLX( 1): Sigma or Delta (us-1) = 0.350000E-01 + or - 0.000E+00 ( 2) A( 2): Asymmetry (# 2) at t=0 = 0.247000 + or - 0.000E+00 ( 3) RLX( 2): Lambda (microsec-1) = 0.564610E-03 + or - 0.163E-03 ( 4) PWR( 2): Power of t in Exp Relax = 0.608006 + or - 0.495E-01 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>spectrum PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>times PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>raw_spec PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>asy_spec PLOT_FIT>s 1 PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>pol_spec max. Asymmetry? PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>err_spec PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>printer printer plot? yes PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>printer printer plot? no PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>db_dump dump to *.db file? yes Enter filename> PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>db_dump printer plot? no PLOT_FIT> PLOT_FIT> DOPLOT> DOPLOT> PLOT_FIT> GUESS> ------------------------- GUESS>pl(ot) PLOT_FIT>exit GUESS> -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>ch(ange) *** MODIFYING PARAMETERS *** Enter i to Modify X(i) > -1 X( 1) [Alp ] = 0.718568 +/- 0.110E-02 X( 2) [asy_tot ] = 0.247000 +/- 0.000E+00 X( 3) [lamb_1 ] = 0.564610E-03 +/- 0.163E-03 X( 4) [POW ] = 0.608006 +/- 0.495E-01 X( 5) [sigma ] = 0.350000E-01 +/- 0.000E+00 Enter i to Modify X(i) > 1 X( 1) [Alp ] now = 0.718568 +/- 0.110E-02 [ 0.000E+00 < X < 0. 000E+00 ] New X [, dX, Xmin, Xmax] > .... Enter i to Modify X(i) > Change fitted Bin Range(s)? Y Spectrum 1( 123 bins): Range now 1 to 123 -- New Range > -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>wr(ite) Input file was MIN=WURZEL.I Answer file is > -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GUESS>in(d_var) Independent Variable [Name, Value,+Err,-Err] >