The Skeptic's Guide to Physics
a HyperReference by
Jess H. Brewer
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To go to the any "Chapter" of this HyperReference,
click on its title below. Once you are there,
[for most Chapters] clicking on the title in the first page
will download a Postscript file of the entire Chapter,
in case you prefer to print it all out at once
in a nicer format than HTML.
- Art and Science
(not Art vs. Science!)
- physics
vs. Physics:
the Poet meets the Engineer
- Representations
(poetry again)
- The Language of Math
(...and again)
- The Art of Measurement
(some nuts & bolts . . . )
- Falling Bodies
- The Exponential Function
- Vectors
- Force vs. Mass
- Celestial Mechanics
- The Emergence of Mechanics
(we're talking serious poetry now!)
- Equations of Motion
(a Physics favourite)
- Simple Harmonic Motion
( everyone's favourite!)
Optional supplement: Complex Exponentials
- Waves
(the most important topic in Physics)
Optional supplement: Functions of Time & Space
- Thermal Physics
- Weird Science
- Introduction to Electromagnetism
- Gauss' Law
(not just for electric fields!)
- Ampère's Law (under construction)
- Faraday's Law (under construction)
- Circuits (under construction)
Optional Supplement: Vector Calculus
- And Maxwell said,
``Let there be light!''
Dateline: "Modern" Physics
- Early History of Atoms
- Particle in a Box (Quantum Mechanics in a Nutshell)
Quantum Quotations
Jess H. Brewer
Last modified: Mon Mar 26 17:08:39 GMT 2001