- ...H
- In this equation,
is defined from the initial decay rate
of the field, where the supercurrents are largest [35].
However, measurements of
a distribution of supercurrent densities over one or more spatial dimensions.
Thus Eq. (2.1) is a more appropriate definition for
- ...
- The relationship between r0 and
will be discussed more fully, later in this thesis.
- ...YBa2Cu3O
- See section 5.2 for a
description of the crystal structure for this compound.
- ...energy.
- The quantity
must be an odd half-integer to ensure that
the wave functions u and v in the Bogoliubov equations describing
the excited states in the vortex core are single-valued, as discussed in
Ref. [125].
- ...ratio
- Recall from Chapter 4 that the
Fourier transform diminishes the signal-to-noise ratio somewhat by weighting
all of the time bins equally.
- ...here,
- This assumes that
is normalized as in Eq. (7.2).
- ...(assuming
- The lower limit for Hc2(0) in
YBa2Cu3O7 is 120 T according
to measurements which are summarized in a
table on p.338 of Ref. [207].
- ...HREF="node38.html#fig10opt">7.11(a)
- In YBa2Cu3O
, the muon depolarization rate
in the normal state
is extremely small, so that