A novel low background apparatus [204] was employed
to greatly suppress the signal originating from muons which miss the
sample. Previous SR studies have been plagued by
a large background signal which contributes significant spectral weight
to the measured line shape. This has been a problem particularly for
the high-Tc compounds because of the small size
of good quality samples. For instance, the ratio of
the cross-sectional area of the sample to the beam spot area is typically 1/3.
Since the average magnetic field of the
background signal is close to the average field in the sample, the
background signal always appears near the middle of the measured
internal field distribution of the sample.
The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 5.1.
The crystals were mounted on a thin piece of aluminized
Mylar stretched over a hollow cylindrical aluminum
sample holder. A small amount of Apiezon N grease was used to attach
the crystals to the Mylar. The crystals
were mounted so that their -axes were parallel to the
magnetic field and muon beam directions. The muons were injected
with their initial spin polarization
to the magnetic field direction.
A thin scintillation counter (M) was used to detect the incoming
muons. The signal from the M counter started a clock provided
that no muon had entered the sample in the previous time interval
). The clock stopped when a decay positron was
detected. A cup-shaped veto counter (V) placed behind the sample
was used to suppress the unwanted background signal from muons which
missed the sample.
The decay positrons from muons stopping in the sample
were detected by overlapping
cylindrical forward (F) and backward (B) counters.
As shown in the lower illustration of
Fig. 5.1, the F and B counters consisted of four individual
counters F1, F2, F3, F4 and B1, B2, B3, B4,
respectively. A valid muon stop was defined as
and a valid positron event was defined as
or 4.
The dashed lines in the top illustration of Fig. 5.1 show the
solid angle subtended
by the overlapping F and B counters.
Note that the arrangement of the F, B and V counters is such that
decay positrons originating from muons which miss
the sample and stop in the back of the V counter are rejected.
Since these ``bad'' muons register neither a valid muon stop
nor a valid decay positron, they are logically excluded from the
The sample and veto counter were contained within a
horizontal 4He gas-flow cryostat.
The SR time spectra in this study
were recorded under conditions of field cooling (i.e. cooled below
Tc in an applied magnetic field).
Typically each spectrum consisted of
``good'' muon decay events. The measurements were performed on either
the M15 or the M20 beam line at TRIUMF, each of which produces a beam of
spin-polarized positive muons of mean momentum 28 MeV/c.