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Fit of a single histogram

    The first four lines of the SPECTRUM command now have the following form:
SPECTRUM 1,    ,    ,    ,    , ,,,,
!    N (normlz),B (bkgr), ratio-pha, r-asy ,l/t0, 5xindirect
SP 1
H 1,   , ,   
B 70, 240,   ,   , , , ,
The parameters N and B refer to the single histogramm fit function as described in Legend of subcommands. In the parameterlist you don't define an alpha but Norm   and Back  , e.g.
	 1  Norm       850.807  .730186        0.        0.
	 2  back            0. 1.4901E-6       0.      100.
	 3  phas      1.237289  .255727        0.        0.
	 4  ASY        .195623  .00104762      0.         .3
	 5  frq        .298155 3.2538E-4       0.        1.
	 6  SIGMA      .03542   .0044691       0.        1.