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Wave Phenomena

Figure: Two views of a wave.
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We can visualize a vivid example for the sake of illustration: suppose the ``amplitude'' A is the height of the water's surface in the ocean (measured from A=0 at ``sea level'') and x is the distance toward the East, in which direction waves are moving across the ocean's surface.14.1 Now imagine that we stand on a skinny piling and watch what happens to the water level on its sides as the wave passes: it goes up and down at a regular frequency, executing SHM as a function of time. Next we stand at a big picture window in the port side of a submarine pointed East, partly submerged so that the wave is at the same level as the window; we take a flash photograph of the wave at a given instant and analyze the result: the wave looks instantaneously just like the graph of SHM except the horizontal axis is distance instead of time. These two images are displayed in Fig. 14.1.


Jess H. Brewer