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The simplest thing waves do is to REFLECT off flat surfaces. Since billiard balls do the same thing quite nicely, this is not a particularly distinctive behaviour of waves - which was probably one of the reasons why Newton was convinced that light consisted of particles.14.17 The reflection of waves looks something like Fig. 14.9.

Figure: Reflection of a wave from a flat surface.
\epsfig{file=PS/,height=1.25in} }\end{center}\end{figure}

The incoming wave vector $\Vec{k}$ makes the same angle with the surface (or, equivalently, with the direction normal to the surface) as the outgoing wavevector $\Vec{k}'$:

 \begin{displaymath}\theta \; = \; \theta'
\end{displaymath} (14.41)

This is the most important property of reflection, and it can be stated in words thus:
\fbox{The {\sl incident\/} [incoming] angle is equal to
the {\sl reflected\/} [outgoing] angle. }

Jess H. Brewer