B.Sc. - University of Wester Ontario - 1991
M.Sc. - University of British Columbia - 1994
Doctor of Philosophy (herewith) -
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of British Columbia - 6 April 1998
In this thesis, muon spin rotation (µSR) measurements
of the internal magnetic field distribution
in the vortex state of the high-Tc superconductor
YBa2Cu3O and the conventional type-II superconductor
NbSe2 are presented.
From the measured field distributions,
the ``characteristic length scales of superconductivity''
are extracted.
It is found that both the
plane magnetic penetration depth
and the vortex-core radius r0 (which is closely related
to the coherence length
) vary as functions of temperature
and magnetic field in both materials.
The behaviour of and r0(H,T) at low temperatures
is found to be substantially different in YBa2Cu3O
what is observed in NbSe2. This
reflects the unconventional nature of the pairing mechanism in this compound.
The temperature dependence of
in the vortex state of
agrees well with microwave cavity measurements in the Meissner
state. The magnetic field dependence of
in YBa2Cu3O
is found to be
considerably stronger than in NbSe2. This is likely due to
both the nonlinear and the nonlocal effects associated with
nodes in the superconducting energy gap. However, in NbSe2 (where nonlocal
effects are negligible), it is not clear whether the field dependence
can be explained solely in terms of the nonlinear effects
associated with an isotropic s-wave energy gap.
The vortex-core radius r0
is found to decrease with increasing magnetic field in both superconductors.
The reduction in the vortex-core size appears to be due
to the increased strength of the vortex-vortex interactions.
An important
consequence of this variation with field is that in the vortex
state, which is generally
regarded to be extremely small in the high-Tc compounds, is
comparatively large at low magnetic fields.
The vortex-core radius is also found to increase with increasing
temperature. The
strength of this variation is considerably weaker in
YBa2Cu3O than in NbSe2. One possible interpretation
is that the quantum limit is realized at much higher temperatures in
the high-Tc compound. The measured temperature dependence of r0
in both superconductors is weaker than current theoretical predictions for
an isolated vortex.
Finally, the effects of vortex pinning and thermal fluctuations of the
vortex lines are considered. It is found that the vortex lattice is
strongly pinned in YBa2Cu3O.The vortex lattice in the underdoped compound YBa2Cu3O6.60
is found to exhibit quasi-2D behaviour.
In particular, a field-induced transition of the 3D-vortex lattice to
a 2D-vortex lattice is observed--which appears to be due
to the small
coherence length and vortex pinning in the CuO2 layers of this
material. Also, the
3D-solid vortex lattice in YBa2Cu3O6.60 at low temperatures
is found to melt
and/or undergo a transition to a 2D-vortex lattice as the temperature
is increased.